We all have tons of stuff for our personal use in our handbags. They comes in handy when traveling or outdoors.
These products will change with time, need or at what situation you are in. But I am sure your purse will be filled with some of these beauty products!!
Homemade All Natural 3 Ingredient Face Scrub
Today I am going to share 5 beauty products that I always have in my bag-
1. Lipstick– Its a no brainer, I can’t leave without my lipstick that I am using that day. What if I need a touch up, duh!! Pro tip- dab your lipstick with a dry tissue and apply a layer again. It will stay longer than usual.
2. Moisturising cream/ Sunscreen– In day time sunscreens are a must. And moisturiser can be used all day long. I usually have mini packs that I only buy to keep in my purse.
3. Wet Tissues– I have a habit of wiping my hands or dab my face with wet tissue. Just something that I do. It really keeps dust away and keep my skin hydrated.
4. Deodorant– This one is a must. I like mini packs, they are just so handy. Just a spray and I feel so fresh! Don’t want that smell ruining the vibe!
5. Comb– Its not exactly a beauty product but my hair ain’t gonna look good all the time. So my comb is important to me.
Tell me about your beauty product which is most important to you?? Does this list remind you of your own purse??
Share with me in comments what’s in your purse ??
If you love your skin you will love these DIY Facepack for all skin types.
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