Bring a first time mom is daunting enough. And breastfeeding can be a lot more overwhelming for most.
When I became a mom the very first time I had no idea where to start. I just assumed that breastfeeding will happen naturally. Something in me would just know what to do.
And when none of natural breastfeeding happened I spent countless hours on Google trying to gather as much information I can(which ideally should have been done in my 3rd trimester).

I only wish if someone could have shared some of this information I wouldn’t have to learn it the hard way!
Do share these must know breastfeeding basics for new moms if you found it useful!
- Try to breastfeeding within the first hour of child birth. It helps to bond the baby with you and greater the chance that baby will latch well.
- For first 6 weeks only breastfeed on demand. Don’t follow a schedule instead look for baby’s cue for feed. Let the baby decide when and how much to drink.
- It should not hurt when baby latches; so many mom’s just give up because of this. But poor or shallow latch results in nipple cuts or bleeding which hurts. Only way is to correct your latch for relief.
- Keep breastfeeding time as private as possible and avoid any stress. Privacy is important, always concentrate on baby cues, bond with your baby and enjoy your breastfeeding time; make it special.
- If you want to introduce bottle wait for 6-8 weeks until breastfeeding is fully established.
- Get comfortable, support your back, use feeding pillow. Remember bring the baby to you and not slouch down to feed your baby.
- Don’t worry about milk supply from the start. Most of us have enough for our babies. And if you think you have low milk supply read here.
- Fnd the right position for breastfeeding and you will enjoy this phase. In the first week their will be a position more favorable than other ones. Stick to it.
- Support your breast by a comfortable bra to avoid saggy breast. Your breast are full of milk and they need support.
- Typically a breastfeeding session last for 20 min to 30 Min on each side. Drain one breast before moving to another.
I hope these tips are helpful. There is nothing better than breastmilk for our babies.
Common breastfeeding problems-
Sore/ cracked nipples due to poor latch
Low milk supply – When baby is unable to gain weight only with breastfeeding.
Engorged Breast – When you breast are over filled with milk, baby is not feeding/ draining enough milk.
Blocked milk duct – A milk duct is clogged and not hurting.
Breast mastitis – Inflammation in breast tissue due to infection.
Thrush – A fungal infection causing breast pain, inflammation, irritation, rash like.
Over milk supply – Yes even excess of milk prevents baby from feeding well.

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