Leftover food scraps, peels can be used not only for your recipes that you can eat but food or your skin too. Like our tummy our skin also needs nutrition and food scraps that we mostly throw are mostly good for out skin.

Must read- 5 quick fix diy packs for all skin types.
🎯 Green tea bag – Okay so how many of us use green tea bag once and then this them off?! One tea bag can be used again as it has enough juice to be made again. What to do? Heat 1/2 cup water and leave the used green tea bad to seap for 30 mins. Use this water as a cleanser for your face. It hydrates your skin + provide your skin antioxidant and cleans away the pores. And use the tea bag for your eyes. Very good for under eye skin whitening.
🎯Ripe Banana – Ripe banana skin are amazing & natural for teet whitening. Yup! Try it to believe it. Now let talk about the banana itself. Banana can be used as a hair mask/skin mask. What to do? Half a banana + 1/4 cup cud + 2 tbsp honey. Mix and mash. Apply on your skin/ hair. Remove/ wash after 30 mins with any mid shampoo. Hydrates skin and hair naturally. It’s a natural protien mask/ deep conditioner for your hair.
🎯 Tomato skin – Tomatoes have high content of potassium and vit c. Although eating tomatoes can give you plenty vit C. You can also use its as skin lightening / tan removal. They even works wonders for sunburn or any skin inflammation. Perfect when you want a glowing skin. What to do? Simple chop a thick slic of tomato from the stem. Rub it gently on your face, neck, elbows, back. Once the juice has done its job, let it dry a little. Now in circular motion scrap gently and your tan should remove with the dried tomato juice. Giving you instant glow. For sunburn simply apply tomato juice for quick cooling.
🎯 Orange Peels – Oranges again a high in Vit C and and that smell of an orange is such a mood lifter. I love a good perfumed fruit. What to do? Sun dry the orange peels and grand them into a fine powder. It works great as a face scub with a bit of honey and orange/ lemon juice. Can be stored for upto 6 months if kept in dry.
🎯 Cucumber Peels – Firstly there is no need to remove cucumber peels. And if for some reason you do no point in throwing them. Use on your skin. What to do? Cover your face + eyes with cucumber peels. It will instantly cool your face, hydrate it. Also good for dark circles / puffy eyes.
🎯 Papaya Peels – So throwing papaya peels? Big mistake. Papaya peel contains enzymes that remove dead cells from the surface of the skin. It also helps remove wrinkles (with overtime use) and age spots. Plus it also remove tan. What to do? Rub the peel on your face. Let it dry Naturally. Wash it off. Seriously no tricks involved. Promise!
🎯 Milk – Now I know this is not exactly a kitchen scrap but OMG use milk on your face can be the best thing you can do. What to do? Apply milk on your face. Let it dry. Now gently scrub. The dry milk will start peeling and so will the tan. The fat in the milk will moisturize your skin, leaving it soft and supple.
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