
Lychee & Mint Cooler, Refreshing Summer Drink

Lychee & mint cooler is one of the tastiest drinks I have had in a recent while. It’s different, cooling from the mint looks and feels so fresh.

When lychee is in season make this delicious drink, and you will not regret it.


Tasty, fresh and outright delish.

Whenever its lychee season I always end up buying more lychee fruit than I should. And when I make this lichi cooler with leftovers my family loves it.

Like it, share it and stay hydrated in summer 😀

Directions to make Lychee and Mint Cooler-


2 cups lychee flesh/pulp

1 cup mint(or less, it’s your choice how much mint-y you like)

3/4 cup sugar(or more as per your taste)

1 to 2 tbsp freshly squeezed lemon juice per glass

Little sprinkling of black salt per glass (optional)

Water as required


In a blender add lychee, sugar and mint together. Blend into a fine paste/syrup.

Pour chilled water to blend again to make  the cooler.

Now lastly lemon juice and black salt.

Taste and add more if you’d like.

Strain in a jug.

Pour in serving glasses.

For garnishing add ice cubes and mint leaves. Mix and serve.

Enjoy your drink.


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