
5 Breastfeeding Positions Every Mom Should Know

When I started Breastfeeding the only position I know was ‘cradle lap’ or simple baby in your lap and you feed baby.

With stiched iching and my back hurting I started looking for solutions and found out that I can switch my Breastfeeding Position as per my comfort.


I was worried that what if my baby didn’t accept it and wanted only cradle lap. But I had to try. And it worked so well because my baby was also okay with it.

So let’s see the 5 Breastfeeding Positions Every Mom Should Know About-

  1. CRADLE HOLD POSITION- Baby is in your lap and support her head with your hand the same side where you are feeding. This position is the most common postion for moms. It’s a great way to connect with your baby while feeding. It’s also the best position when you are just starting out and works best till baby is able to get control of their head. For good head control make sure to give them plenty of tummy time.
  2. LYING BACK POSITION- So in this position you are essentially lying on your back and you bring the baby to your breast. It’s only beneficial if the baby has got some amount of head control otherwise you may have to support their head fully if not partially.
  3. CROSS BODY POSITION- Like cradle lap in this position baby is on your lap but you support their head with the opposite hand from which side you are feeding; and use your other hand to support your breast.
  4. SIDE LYING POSITION- Here you will be lying on your side and position your baby on the side so that they are parallel to your breast. I found this position useful for moms with heavy breast, mom’s with backache or unable to sit and feed for some reason or for night time feedings.
  5. FOOTBALL HOLD POSITION- Like a football here a baby is tucked between your arm on the side. Support your baby with a pillow. Hold the baby with one arm and support your breast with another arm. This position is popular among mom’s with c- section stitches.

Tell me in comments which positions have you tried yet and which one has been your favourite??

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