
Aloo Methi

A lot of people might agree with me that this veg is sort of a comfort food. I have fond memories of having aloo methi that my mother used to make; and can I say that it was delicious.


But I never liked cleaning it, for that matter I never liked cleaning any greens. It just needs so much of patience to pick the best out of it. But when the fruit of your labor is this good well who am I to stop.

I like to add potato’s in this recipe as its how I had it  my entire life. But you can also add mooli or urad daal instead and that tasted great too.

So lets start with making this delicious and easy recipe.


1 large onions chopped finely (optional)

1 bunch of methi cleaned and washed

1 potato chopped finely

1 tsp chopped ginger

1 tsp chopped garlic

1 tsp cumin seeds

1/4 tsp hing

Salt as per taste

Red chili powder as per taste

Mustard oil for preparation


Heat oil in a pan till smoking hot.

Now add jeera, hing and garlic and ginger. Cook for 30 sec.

Add potato’s and saute till golden.

Now add onions. Add salt and red chili powder. Cook till combined.

Now add methi and cook till greens and potato’s cook.

Enjoy with hot fulkas.

If you like this recipe please like it and leave your valuable comments. You can follow my Facebook page to join me in my food journey. If you wish to replicate this recipe please link back to this post. 


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