
Best First Foods For Babies 6m+

If your baby has turned 6 months or is about to be 6 months then it’s time to start solids. Want to to what’s best first foods for babies?

In this article I will breakdown the foods that you can give to babies when they are ready to eat solids.


6 Signs That Your Baby Is Ready To Start Solids


Must read- Introducing Solids To Babies When & How

Best first foods for babies-

  1. Cooked Apples
  2. Cooked Pear
  3. Mashed Banana
  4. Mashed Avocado
  5. Cooked Sweet potato
  6. Any Iron Fortified Baby Cereal
  7. Oats cereal
  8. Moong Dal Ka Pani
  9. Rice Cereal
  10. Cooked Carrot

How much to feed each time-

Week 1- Once a day (2-3 tbsp) , Breastfeed rest of the day

Week 2- Twice a day (3-5 tbsp) , Breastfeed rest of the day

Week 3- Twice a day (6-8 tbsp) , Breastfeed rest of the day

Week 4- Twice a day (8-10 tbsp), Breastfeed rest of the day, offer a snack if baby demands

Best time to start feeding solids-

  1. Mornings are the best time to start feeding solids.
  2. Just after your baby wakes up breastfeed them and wait for an hour to feed solid food. If in between they like to nap so they can.
  3. After 1st solid feed breastfeed as usual and the second feed can be during lunch time.
  4. Babies love to see us eat so try and adjust their feeding time with you. For example offer them breakfast when it’s time for you to have breakfast. It’s the best way to encourage eating solids and later while self feeding.
  5. Avoid giving solids later in the day. They are still learning to adjust to eating solids.

The opinions, ideas, views expressed in this article is solely my experience based in hope to help new mom’s. Kindly excercise caution and self judgment.

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