
Diet For Breastfeeding Moms, Eat Healthy & Nutritious

Breastmilk is the best food for babies. When you are just starting out you may feel like putting yourself on a Breastfeeding diet.

Breastfeeding Basics For New Moms

But the truth is there is no diet as a breastfeeding diet. Infact you surely can eat whatever you want. When you are breastfeeding it’s best to put ‘diet’ or restrictive diet for later.

Your breastmilk quality will not be affected if your diet has a lot of junk or caffeine or some wine. Although some foods are said to pass on the flavor to breastmilk and that’s how babies can be partial towards them. But your ‘diet’ will affect your weight/ weightloss journey and your well being.

Simple rule of thumb says ‘ Eat when you are hungry, drink when you are thirsty’.

What you drink and eat is what makes the difference.


A breastfeeding mom needs 500 more calories but each one is different and this number may or may not suit you. It depends on your lifestyle, how active you are, your current BMI and your eating habits.

Yes there are certain foods in every culture that are a must post childbirth and you should be taking them as per your will.

Here are not rules but some guidelines for diet for Breastfeeding Moms-

  1. Eat lots of greens– Filled with iron, vit, minerals and fibre and very low on calories makes it extremely important. Include greens from all varieties not just salad leaves. Think- kale, cabbage, collard greens, watercress, lettuce, arugla, rocket, bok choy, broccoli, mustard greens.
  2. Eat protien rich diet– Add 25g of protein per day to your daily requirement if you are breastfeeding. Protein is beneficial to support growth and nourishment for breastfed babies. Think- Chicken, egg, pulses, lentils, fish, paneer.
  3. Include more Fruits– Aim at including 2-3 servings of fruit in a day. Can be a variety. Mix more colors to get more benefits. Think- Banana, apple & kiwi; Orange, guava, pomegranate and papaya, melon, mangoes, lichi.
  4. Include Nuts in your diet– Nuts are a good source of healthy ‘fats’ and must be included in breastfeeding mom’s diet. Almonds are a great source of non dairy calcium. Think- Almond, Cashews (in moderation), walnuts, brazilian nuts, pistachio.
  5. Eat more dairy– Breastfeeding moms need 1000mg calcium in their diet each day. Dairy is high in calcium and should be included in your diet. Think- milk, yogurt (non flavored), curd, paneer, tofu.

Apart from this don’t forget carbs(they are important fuel for your body that gives you energy), lots of vegetables (including colors and choose diverse food groups).

Remember eating should not be a burden.

Stock up of healthy and nutrient dense foods which will help you to keep eating healthy and stay energetic and positive.

And drink lots and lots of water.

Must Read- How to Identify Low Milk Supply & How To Boost Up

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