
Pav/ Dinner Rolls

Craving fluffy buns perfect for soaking up delicious curries? Look no further than Pav Bhaji’s best friend, Pav! Learn the secrets to making these soft, melt-in-your-mouth rolls with our easy Pav recipe – they’re simpler than you think!

Homemade Pita Bread From Scratch

Bread is one of the things but feeding him maida one was making me guity. I have tried the full wholewheat one but they did not turn out so great. So here is the half and half bread. This recipe also works on loaf form, though I have made pav as it’s works for me.

Its so easy that once you make your own bread the store bought will be a passe. Look at those amazingly risen bread, perfect color on top, mosist and crumbly. Isnt it appealing, just perfect!!! Serve it up with cheese spead and jam….yumm .


1 &1/2 cup wholewheat/atta
1 &1/2 cup APF/ bread flour/ Maida
1 tsp instant yeast
1 tsp salt
1 tsp sugar
1 cup milk
1 cup water
2 tbsp oil


Warm milk and water together. It should just be lukewarm.

Mix all the ingredients to a dough. In the beginning it will be little sticky.

Sprinle some atta on the work surface and knead to dough. Secret is in steching the dough and bringing it together again. Do this over and over for about 5-7 mins.

Leave it into a greased dish big enough and let it double for 90 mins. Keep it covered with a wet tea towel in a warm place.

Now after 90 mins. Punch down the dough. Grease your baking tin. Make small balls and arrange in a round dish. If using a loaf tin pinch the sides firmly to seal.

Let it rest for 20-30 mins. Brush with milk. Bake at 180°C for 25 -30 mins.

Serve hot.


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