
Eggless Carrot & Dates Loaf Cake

I love this Eggless Carrot & Dates Loaf Cake because it’s so easy to prepare and is naturally sweet from carrots and majorly dates.

I make a few batches of these for Christmas gifting too. And some salted caramel on the side.

SO YUM!! ?

Taking about yum try out some other bakes on the blog that are equally worth trying with huge recommendations⬇⬇

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And many more in my blog.

Okay so coming back to the recipe it’s fairly easy. I have soaked the dates in 1/2 cup milk for about 30 mins. These were seedless dates so I just blended them directly into a paste. If you want chunky bits you can remove some and add separately.

The dates puree gives a nice dark and rich look to the cake that is perfect for Christmas???❄

Directions to make Eggless Carrot & Dates Loaf Cake-


3/4 cup seedless dates soaked in 1/2 cup milk(blend to make a puree)

1 cup flour

1/2 tsp salt

1 tsp baking powder

1 tsp baking soda

1/2 cup milk

1 cup grated carrots

1/4 cup granulated sugar

1/4 cup oil


For recipe checkout my short video. Recipe instructions are included in that only.

Please remember that the carrot will also leave moisture so the cake will become moist while baking.

Make sure to cool down the cake completely before taking out of the tin. This will ensure the cake to slice better.

Please insert a toothpic in the middle to ensure the cake is done.

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