
What Does Labor Pain Actually Feels Like Tells Mom Of 2

The most dreadful question I had when I was pregnant was what does labor pain actually feel like.

Turns out I never got a real answer. Yes I read tons of articles which gave me an idea about what labour pain feels like but I feel like it didn’t do justice to the actual pain.

Okay so anyone reading this please dont be alarmed this is my experience and it may or may not be the same for you.

Labor pain

So what exactly labor pain feels like?

The truth is its impossible to tell exactly how it feels. Partially because it is different for everyone.

You may or may not start with a strong pain but they progress differently for everyone.

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What happens when labor pain starts-

You will feel a sharp pain around your abdomen, back or lower back and hips.

You may feel cramps like in periods but only stronger.

You may have some pain or discomfort in the vaginal or pelvic area.

You may experience uterus tightening at fixed intervals which will get close together as your labor progress.

You can be 2-3cm dilated for 1-2 days. It gets uncomfortable but it’s totally normal.

Whap happens when labor pain increases-

Once you reach hospital you will not be allowed to eat anything to prepare you for any possibility of c-sec.

As labor pain increases the intensity of pain also increases. Your contractions will be close together.

Your gynac will ask you to time your contractions and will need to know for how long you have each contraction and what is the time gap between each contraction.

As your contractions come and go you will need to monitor baby’s heartbeat and movements. It’s best to reach your hospital as soon as you confirm you are in labor.

After you are 4-5 cm dilated you will be shifted to the labor ward or the delivery room depending on your hospital policy.

At this time if you choose for a painless delivery the anesthesiologist will administer epidural. It will take away most of your pain.

It takes some time for epidural to kick in so if you plan to use it make sure your doc is aware in advance. It just makes things easier.

In my case epidural expedited my delivery and my labor progress rapidly. I delivered within 60 min in both my deliveries. JUST FYI.

What happens in labor just before delivery-

Once you reach 7-8 cms dilated you will have contractions very close. Its basically your uterus tightening and making your baby push down so that you can push soon.

There will be a lot of people around for delivery so don’t be alarmed for privacy. Honestly you won’t even bother as the labor pain makes it impossible to see or care about anything else.

If you plan to have your husband in delivery room then tell your doc beforehand.

You may poop during delivery and its only natural and normal. Don’t worry.

When it’s final 9-10 cm dilated it’s time to push. You basically will have an urge to push. And you cannot stop any more.

All of this happens so quickly that you will barely realise.

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