A woman has many hats to adorn. She is a daughter, wife, mother, a daughter in law and a working professional.
With each role comes duties, and juggling all of them can be very tough and overwhelming at times.

Especially in this time of pandemic when you have to work from home, meet office deadlines, attend conference calls and also do house chores; a woman’s hands can get over flowing with work.
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It’s never easy to get things done unless you understand how to set things in motion so that life can be a bit better for you.
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While we know we can’t neglect office work, we can go easy on housework. Things can be important but not urgent. Getting things done doesn’t mean you have to do it right now. Evaluate your work and identify what can be deferred and what is urgent. You can do the regular housework on daily basis but gourmet meals and spotless house can wait till weekends.
Don’t go for Perfection
Following the prioritization, don’t go after perfection at home. It’s ok if things are not done perfectly and you find a shortcut or a mid way to get things done. Sometimes a hack can save your day and your sanity.
Set a routine
Life gets easier when things are done on a routine basis. Mornings can be busy but kids need our attention the most at that time before they start school. Have a fixed meal and sleeping time for your kids so you can give some time to your spouse before you call it a day.
Share responsibilities
Sharing work is the way to get things done quickly at home or at work. So share and delegate when and where you can. Younger kids can be asked to keep their toys while little older kids can be asked to do basic cleaning of their own room and belongings. One member can take up grocery shopping while the other can look after the kitchen and laundry.
Don’t shy away from asking help
Despite delegating, there are times when things can get more demanding at work. At that time, don’t shy away from asking help from family members to run the show on your behalf at home.
Recharge and rejuvenate your self
By handling your time wisely, you can fit in the “Me” time for yourself. So loose your self in a book, take a nice bubble bath, hit the nail spa or meet friends over a cup of coffee. Such breaks can help you recharge and come back full of energy.
Every woman who is working and also managing the house may look happy but the reality can be very different. She may appear confident and “I can do it all” to you but within her own mind she may have self-doubts about her abilities and the work-home life conflict.
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Striking the balance between work and family life is important and if the focus is right, the issue at hand will find a positive solution.
In the end I would like to quote a line for the most beautiful creation of God “Half women, half worrier, delicate and strong” – R.H Sin
This post has been contributed by Hansa Kajaria. She is a mom of 2 kids and resides in Mumbai with her family. She holds a PGDBA- FInance qualification and has worked as a Financial Analyst Insurance Sector for nearly 6 years before she chose to be a Stay At Home Mom. She liked to blog at Mummatalks and write in her free time and is a voracious reader.
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